sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

C10 / 08

Días después de haber abandonado el trabajo me encontré con Amen en la calle, en Stratford Road,-  la que conducía a la ciudad de un tal Shakespeare, aquel inglés que un día escribiera aquello de city is people; la ciudad es la gente -, caminando por la acera nevada, justo en frente de una de las pastelerías del barrio, la  sweeterie, junto al semáforo de la esquina, mientras esperaba al otro lado para cruzar. After several days having left the work I met with Amen on the street, in Stratford Road, - the road which drives to the Shakespeare ´s city, that famous English who once wrote that of “city is people”, the city is made up by people -, walking on the snowed pavement, just in front of one the neighborhood sweeteries, besides the traffic lights on the corner while he was waiting on the other side to cross over.

No iba solo, empujaba un carrito de bebé y dentro de él, bajo su paraguas, descubrí una pequeña de preciosos ojos esmeralda. He was not alone, he was pushing a pushchair and inside it, under its umbrella, I discovered a little babygirl with amazing precious emerald eyes.

Las manos de Amen ya no le pertenecían. La pequeña era su vida, todo lo demás había pasado a ocupar un segundo plano, incluido su propia tiempo. (Supongo que estar al cuidado de otro ser humano nos exige renunciar a una parte de nosotros mismos en beneficio de ese pequeño otro, quizás porque verse reflejado en su mirada lechosa recompense) Amen´s hands would not belong yet to him. The little baby was the true meaning of his life, everything else was not important, even his own life-time and health; he had focused all his effort and attention on her, leaving everything else in second place (I suppose that taking care of another human being requires us to renounce to a good part of ourselves to benefit those small others, perhaps because the result is very well rewarded when  you are able to see yourself onto his milky crystalline).

Desde entonces comencé a ver a Amen de otro modo, con otros ojos, comprendí por qué día tras día intentaba completar su trabajo a tiempo; porque realmente tenía una buena razón para llegar pronto a casa. Entendía su pequeña lucha diaria, era capaz de acercarme mejor a su forma de hacer. Since then, I started to see Amen in a different light; with another view, in a different way. I understood why he, day after day, used to try finish his job on time; because he had a good (the best) reason to arrive home early. Anyway, I could understand his particular daily fight, I started to fell more close to him.

No me importa admitirlo. Sí; siempre confíe en él. Me gustaba pensar que estaba sentando un buen ejemplo no sólo para su pequeña; sino también para todos nosotros,  el resto de sus compañeros. I don´t mind to be honest. Yes, from the very beginning, I always trusted him. I liked to think that he was setting a good life-example not only just for his little, but also for all of us, the rest of the staff, his workmates.

Estoy convencido sobre esto: esa niña hablará inglés y tendrá las manos más bonitas del mundo, porque su umbrella siempre estará ahí, protegiéndola los días de lluvia. I am sure about this (I strongly believe it): that little baby will speak English fluently and she will have the most beautiful hands in the world, because her “umbrella” always will be there, protecting her from the rain.

hoy suena bajo el piraguas: heaven / emili sande (en) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEtZic0W4mA&feature=related

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