Irfhan y Charlie / Irfhan and Charlie
De Irfán sólo se me ocurre
decir que fue un buen compañero, cordial y respetuoso, no entiendo muy bien por qué pero me tenía aprecio. On Irfhan I only can say that he was a very good mate,
kind and respectful. I don´t understand really well why but in some way he did appreciate me.
A veces, excepcionalmente, me ayudaba con el trabajo
secando varias pilas de platos. Era muy exigente, para consigo mismo y para con
los demás, incluido el que escribe. Sometimes, rarely, he gave me a hand with the cutlery and the piles of
plaits waiting for being replaced into its place. He was very exigent, to himself
and also with the others, even me, who is writing this lines.
Charlie era más risueño y
algo más resuelto a la hora de hacer las cosas, - al menos en mi opinión-. Charlie was more cheerful and more
determined to make things; - at least in my view -…
Le gustaba fumar y de vez en
cuando salía fuera y se encendía un pitillo para fumárselo a medias con algún
otro compañero. He used to
smoke and sometimes; quite often, he went out of the restaurant, to the
backyard, striking one cigarette to share fifty-fifty with somebody else, with
another workmate, anyone willing to share the break with him.
Compaginaba el trabajo con la asistencia a las clases de un curso para llegar a ser electricista profesional. He was doing several things at the same time, besides being working there, he was attending to a course for learning the electrician professional job.
De Charlie guardaré siempre la imagen de aquel día de fiesta, en que llegó vestido con un traje tradicional Indio, calzando babuchas, como si de Simbad el marino se tratase. I will keep always on my mind that picture, that celebration when he arrived dressed in the traditional Indian way, wearing slippers, as if he were Simbad the Sailor…
Ellos, como responsables de la sala, llevaban la batuta del tempo. Both they were responsible of the main floor, so they had the task of taking the “tempo” of things.
Romo,… cómo va la cosa hoy? ¿Mucho trabajo? Romo… are you busy today? Very busy?
Hora de cenar – solían recordarme amablemente -. Go for dinner¡- they used to say kindly
¿A qué hora terminaremos hoy? What time it is expected to finish today?
hoy suena bajo el paraguas: civilian / wye oak (en)
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