viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013


What ´s what?

(...) I arrived here, once more, in search off life, looking for a proper job in order to earn my own bread, tired of seaking offers and promises of a better future from the screen of my laptop.

London / Londons?

I ´ll show you just one of mines, one of all those London(s) I´ ve meet; the Tube City, an underground CITY, - just in case my words could be useful for you -.

(...) Like everywhere, any good morning will cost u no less than 1.30 cp (1.50 € aprox), the minimum price of a warm cup of tea (English or not) at the coffee shop

Sometimes, when  you are abroad, you start to feal alone, I mean, inside of you, the solitude starts to settle and the only thing that keep moving you is that feeling; that feed-back of the warm hand-shake of other sights like yours. It is incredible, but any smile can becomes the best candle when the temperatures outside, in the gray streets, go down furthen than 0 ºC.

Anyway; it does not matter, after all, if you are ready to lean out through this window… just keep reading, have a look (probably you will recognize your own city in this big CITY; sometimes no big enough)

It might  be the right time to confront the truth...
I had just some coins into my pocket; I was in red numbers… I felt so little, so stupid, like an idiot…

What happens when the numbers of your bank account run more than you can, when that last coin runs and goes down the hill of the week faster than you do? How to get there before than your own money does…?

Whose, whome is money? To who belongs money?

Fortunately or not, money does not belong to me, I do think; - I do think so, now I realize…-.

Cash just flow, never stays in the same pocket for longer, or at least, not in mine (no in one´s jacket pocket)…
It must be said that this is just my own view, my personal version of the film…

Homes, shops, petrol stations, pharmacies, industry, banks, government... Who do you think they belong to...?

(...) I still can remember how happy I felt when at the end, after several tries, a couple of years ago, I was able to open my first bank account. At that moment I thought that things will be easier to me…

That morning, hardly several hours after setting foot onto the City I went to one of the cash-machines located into the train station, but then, it happens to me something that I never had expected…

What on hell... ? What are you talking to me...?

Red numbers...?

I could not see the scape from the situation I was involved…

It seems that they ("my" bank) had sent me several letters, but because I was living there for no more, I could not listen what they had to tell me…

Honestly, It was something quite unfair from them

“My” bank…? Ja, ja… - please, do not make me laugh...-

The bank, it might be better said.

There are (there were) too many things unread in the back of my credit card, things I never could have imagined, things that could have blown my future project…

So…; are u ready to play? Do you want to know who ´s who in this storie?

I am not sure about it, but…

(...) Fortunately there is always somebody else willing to give u a hand, just in the opposite (back) side of the coin; and I must say that; in my case, my personal situation, it was the director of one the bank offices, someone who was quite helpful, enough pacient with my broken English and really empathetic the person who showed me the options and steps to follow to deal the situation, some of the know-hows of the trade…

Why should I…? - I asked him for the reason I should pay -.

You know, It is not affordable to me right now…

For some reason, I ignore it, I trusted him and I did things in the way I was told. Finally, after several calls (by phone) I could solve the problem by borrowing some money from my parents.

May be I should not have done it, but I did it, and now, I am feeling much more safe and better, in the sense that there is nobody waiting for me to get paid, but I will promise myself to give them the money back.

Once more, here we are, learning by making mistakes; although I can say that at least, this time, that was a different mistake…

The director was talking about another branches...

Other branches…? What does it means...?

External Agency (FBI?)

I understood no word except that they had charged to the amount of money that I “due” to “my” bank an extra fee of 30 pounds


No jokes with these gentlemens…

Where is the last ring of these chaine…?

I ll tell u; in the back of any restaurant, in the deep of a darken avenue, somewhere, in the city you are living, under a mountain of cupboards, empties and rubbish, waiting to be taken away by the truck in the night...

I do not like the way banks are making up their own counts

Making money from what? From nothing…? What for…? Who is taking advantage of this? And finally, just one more question… Does money exists…?
Thoughts from a newcomer in what it is used to be called “real life”… - I do apologize if this reading is being boring to you-.
I am quite concerned about it, so... Where do we go from here…?

The secrets of the trade…?

That was a crazy sort of “dot to dot” puzzle; the business net where I get trapped.

After I left that bank office, by the way, while I was walking to find this no-where to ask for that external agency, a pencil from the pocket of a pretty woman felt on the pavement and then I took it to give it back to her…

(...) You have to be sharp, like the tip of that pencil when moving there, they don’t care about people wellbeing, they are there just for making more money, you are just a number else on anywhere…

Who is taken advantage of it making profit from that?

Money is not created from NOTHING…

Please, say NO to abuse from banks. Never ever again.

Stop it; claim, fight for your rights like I am doing here, just by raising my voice and sharing this words

Take your time to read all the information that they provide to you when you open your bank account ("basic" or whatever other sort of…)

Too many people is making money from your work, please if possible, do not feed their ass…

free cash…”? What does it mean?
No idea. Anyway; NO, thanks

; )

Money does not grow up in trees, you will need to keep this in your mind to survive in the CITY.

Anyway, I will make it better next time; I have learned the lesson (too expensive, may be)


Because I spent all the money I had saved during the last year, I decided to go back home for Christmas…

I made a kind of winter postcard with my hands, just by using the cupboard empties…

Talking to myself… Why not?

My travel in numbers was awful, but nevertheless, I must say, It was really worthy; not just because I ve closed my “overdraft” story, but because I could meet up with my old friends, and also with an earthen architect, an eco-architect who has been working in the field of strawbale building and mud-staff for many years. Perhaps I had the chance to work closer to her and learn from her life-experience…

There is always time for a last cup of tea

I was laying when I told that It cost 1,50 - life is much more...-


Back again...
My room was exactly as it was when I left home, fortunately my parents had keep taken care of both; my room and me...

I can feel lucky to have their hands behind me, supporting my adventures...

Just say thank you both, dad and mum, by writing this. I know it is not what you were expecting but...

With love, myself and I; your son


Knowledge is

of two things

we know a subject

ourselves, or

we know where

we can find

information on it

- Samuel Johnson –

British Library façade (Euston Road, London)

To my reader

Please ask always advice to someone else before taking any step that can change your life

Take it easy

; )

Today in my room: you will never know / imany (en) /  To my friends, in thanks for your hospitality and warm welcoming / 5 handwriting pens = 1 pound (1£; one sterling)

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