sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

C10 / 09

Otro de los camareros del restaurante, me propuso contraer matrimonio con una joven India, única y exclusivamente para conseguir los derechos de residente; única y exclusivamente para sacarle dinero. Another of the restaurant waiters, proposed me to get married with a young Indian girl, only and exclusively in order to she could get the European resident rights, only and exclusively to make money from the situation. 

Tengo algunos contactos… un buen negocio, – me dijo-.

I ´ve got some links… good business  - he told me -

Aunque llegué a preguntarle por los motivos que aquella chica tenía para venir a Europa, lo cierto es que finalmente me negué a ello, lo que terminó por distanciarnos y complicar nuestra relación. Although I even asked for him the reasons why she wanted to come to Europe, the only true is that finally I did not accept it and our friendship relation turned into worst and we both took distance one from each other.

Al margen de este episodio, he de decir que fue un buen compañero dentro y fuera del trabajo. Le costó un tiempo encajar mi decisión pero finalmente lo hizo, respetando mi postura; en buena parte, porque de no ser porque realmente necesitaba ese dinero; también él hubiera estado totalmente de acuerdo conmigo. Apart from this episode, I must tell you that he was a good mate in and out of the restaurant work. He took time to accept my decision but finally he did it, respecting my choice, mainly, because I personally think that if he really had had the vital necessity to make that money, he would have strongly agree with me, I know he was doing something against his own principles.

El dinero fácil no es nada bueno, – le contesté -.

Easy money, no goog thing – I answered him -

No obstante, su destino estaba lejos de aquel restaurante… Nevertheless, his destiny was far away from that restaurant…

El trabajo duro que curte las manos y las miradas de los recién llegados; se premia y valora con respeto, en la misma medida que se desprecia la falta de escrúpulos de quienes buscan hacer negocio a costa de sus propios compatriotas. The hard work tends to harden the hands and the looks of any newcomer, it is rewarded and well valued with respect, - you give it; you get it-,  in the same measure (proportion) than it is repulsed the lack of sensitivity and scrupulousness of all those who are looking for making business thanks to their own compatriot´s life and helplessness.

hoy suena bajo el paraguas: live your dreams / soraya arnelas rubiales feat antoine clamaran (en) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axg554YGiYY&feature=related

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