martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

C10 / 12

Signa - el otro manager - / Signa (like signature) – the other manager -

Una tarde; al final del turno, se acercó a mí y me dijo: One day, at the end of the evening shift, he came to me and confess me:

Estamos contentos con tu trabajo pero tienes que moverte más rápido. We are glad about your work but you have to move faster.

Acelera…¡ Speed up¡

;  )

En alguna ocasión me contó que mis dificultades con el idioma le recordaban a los de su propia esposa. Aprender inglés en el barrio no resultaba una necesidad, porque la mayoría de los vecinos eran asiáticos; pakistaníes, afganos, indios… Con toda seguridad, podríamos decir que el inglés en aquella parte de Inglaterra no era el idioma predominante. Once he told me that my language difficulties reminded him her wife´s ones. It was a fact that being confident with the English language in our quarter was not a vital necessity, because the neighbors, were from Asia in the main; from Pakistan, Indian… For sure, we can assert that the English in that part of  the UK was not the prevailing language.

Un día, durante la comida, me acercó una bandeja con snacks. Aquello, que en nuestro menú figuraba como appetisers, era el plato principal de muchas familias de su país, lo único que en épocas de carestía, tenían para llevarse a la boca. Fue toda una lección para mí. One day, after lunch, he came to me taking a tray with some snacks on it. That meal, what was figuring on the restaurant menu as appetizers, were the main course of many families of his country, the only thing to eat during famine times, the only food for taking to their mouth. It was a lesson to me.

Signa era algo despistado. A veces olvidaba su bolígrafo y yo le dejaba prestado el mío. Signa was a little bit absent minded. Quite often he used to forget his pen and I borrowed him mine.

Acostumbraba a llevarlo a la vista, asomando tímidamente la cabeza por el bolsillo de la camisa.   El broche era de acero inoxidable, muy brillante; lo que lo hacía resaltar todavía más sobre el negro mate del hilo con el que estaba bordado. Era uno de esos made in Germany, de tinta negra y la punta redonda; uno de esos que hacen fácil la escritura. He used to take it in a visible part, leaning out its head timidly over the shirt-pocket neck. The clip (clasp) was made of stainless steel, very bright, what made it to stand out more onto the matt black of the thread with which it had been sewed. It was one of those made in Germany; black ink and rounded tip, one of those which makes easier the writing.

Fue un flechazo a primera vista. Yo lo sabía, por eso, cuando me marché, lo dejé junto a la percha donde colgaba su chaqueta; hacía tiempo que había dejado de pertenecerme. He felt in love with it from the very first sight. I knew it, from the beginning, so for this reason, when I was leaving, I “forgot” it besides the coat-hanger where he used to leave his jacket, because I understood that the pen was not belong to me for any more.

Durante aquel viaje aprendí a observar lo inevidente, esa parte menos visible de lo evidente; aprendí a leer entre líneas, aprendí que no siempre llueve a gusto de tod@s. By the time I was there I had the chance to learn how to observe the inevidence, that part less visible from the evidence; I could learn to read what really matters from each situation, I learned that not always the rain it is a welcoming guest.

Mentiría si digo que despedirme de él fue cosa fácil. I would be telling you a lie if I would say that say good-bye to all this background taking from my mates was easy to me.

hoy suena bajo el paraguas: to be alone  / adam agin (en)

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